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5 Soup-erb Vegetarian Keto Soup Recipes by Priya Dogra


Following a Keto diet doesn’t mean you have to give up on flavor or your favorite foods. In fact, there are plenty of delicious and satisfying options for vegetarians on a Keto diet, including soups.

Did I say soup?

Yes. And that’s not all, I have for you today, my favorite veg Keto soup recipes since some of you think that Keto is only exciting for the carnivores!

Yes, I admit, diet soups can be boring, the exception to this are Keto vegetarian soups that I have been making for quite some time now. I have been preparing Mushroom Garlic, Broccoli, Spinach, and other vegetable soups which are rich in fat and very tasty – even kids love it – yes, that delicious!

These soups are very easy to make and are very comforting too.

Add the following recipes to your cookbook and warm up the cold wintry days with a piping hot bowl of Keto veg soup.

1. Spinach Soup

My Keto version of Vegetarian Spinach Soup has the distinct flavor of coconut in it. The soup is very filling, full of fiber and so yummy, that you can try serving it to fussy kids at home too. Try the soup today, and you can always pair it up with some Keto Roti if you want.


Nutrition facts

Calories 150
Net Carbs 4.2
Protein 3.3 grams
Fats 13.3 grams

Keto Spinach Soup Recipe

2. Mushroom Garlic Soup

This Keto-compliant Mushroom Garlic Soup is sure to become your favorite. And when you combine them with garlic, they become delicious. This soup has coconut milk, but you can always use almond milk. You can also use fresh garlic if you don’t want to use powder. The soup gets ready in no time, and you can make some extra and have it in the evenings, while you spend time with the family and kids.


Nutrition Facts

Calories 115
Fat 9.1 grams
Protein 3.3 grams
Net Carbs 4.3 grams

Keto Mushroom Garlic Soup Recipe

3. Broccoli Soup

My thick creamy, and yummy Keto variant of Broccoli Soup gets ready in a jiffy. This one of my favorite Keto Soup Recipes.9It is very low on carbs, very filling and completely vegetarian. You can keep the consistency according to your taste and if you want you can always replace the coconut milk with almond milk. I have just added salt, pepper, and pink salt to it, but you can add other herbs and spices if you wish.


Nutrition facts

Calories 116
Net Carbs 6.1 grams
Proteins 3.8 grams
Fats 7.7 grams

Keto Broccoli Soup Recipe

4. Yogurt Soup

We have been having this soup since childhood. My grandmother used to make this for us, when we used to be down with cold and flu. Try this yummy and comforting Keto Yogurt Soup today, and soon you will get hooked to it, just like me.


Nutrition facts

Calories 109
Fat 9 grams
Net Carbs 3 grams
Protein 2 grams

Keto Yogurt Soup Recipe

5. Winter Vegetarian Soup

My this Keto vegetarian soup is a crazy combination of turnips, bottle gourd (lauki) and spinach. I call it a crazy combo, since I have never tried it before. The end result was a yummy, mildly flavored soup, which was filling and full of fiber. Those of you, who might be on a detox diet, can try the same soup, just skip the ghee and the cottage cheese. In case you do not have bottle gourd, then just substitute it with zucchini.


Nutrition facts

Calories 472
Net Carbohydrates 6 grams
Protein 11 grams
Fat 18 grams

Winter Vegetarian Soup Recipe


5 Vegetarian Keto Soup Recipes ?

Add these Keto soup recipes to your cookbook and warm up the cold wintery days with a piping hot bowl of Keto veg soup. They are very easy to make and are very comforting too.
Course Soup
Cuisine Indian
Keyword creamy keto soup, Indian keto vegetarian soup, Keto Broccoli Soup, keto creamy vegetable soup, Keto Mushroom Garlic Soup, Keto soup, Keto Soup Recipes, Keto Spinach Soup, Keto Yogurt Soup, low carb soup, soup recipes for weight loss, Vegetarian Keto Soup Recipes, Winter Vegetarian Soup
Author Priya Dogra
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