There's something truly delightful about indulging in a fluffy omelette that brings instant joy to your day. And when that omelette is infused with the rich flavors of Indian masala, you know you're in f...
Here is a keto shrikhand recipe you can easily make at home. It is a traditional Marathi dessert and one of the classic desserts of India.
With its rich culinary heritage and diverse flavors, India offers a tr...
I understand your frustration with repetitive chicken dishes, but don't worry, I've got a fantastic recipe to spice things up. Introducing Keto Chicken Stew!
This mouthwatering dish features tender chunks of c...
Now that I've settled into the Keto lifestyle, and I'm steadily losing weight, it's time to address an important aspect: Keto Exercises. Shedding pounds is great, but it can leave us with sagging skin and muscles...
Mail me your personal stories of struggle and success, of attempts to lose weight and getting healthy. Since we all are on the same boat, let's inspire each other to get fit again.
Do leave a note i...
Getting started with Keto is difficult without the assistance of a Keto dietitian. Keto Do’s and Don’ts are something you should know before you jump into the wagon.