In my home, there's always a debate between non-vegetarian dishes and paneer. Non-vegetarians often claim that paneer falls short when it comes to taste. But today, I have a recipe that proves otherwise—it's a wi...
हमारी ज़िंदगी में ऐसे कुछ दिन ऐसे भी होते हैं जब आपको दुनिया की कोई परवाह नहीं होती और हम बस अपने बिस्तर पर गर्म सूप के बाउल के साथ उसका मजा लेते हैं।वैसे मेरा पिछला दिन भी कुछ इसी तरह का था। न तो मेरा मन अंडे खा...
If you've never been a fan of broccoli, I'm here to change your mind. Today, I have a recipe that combines broccoli with paneer to create a dish that will make you see this veggie in a whole new light.
If you're yearning for a lip-smacking dish that's both easy to prepare and fits perfectly into your Keto diet, I've got just the recipe for you.
Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with my Indian twist on C...
Paneer is a versatile and nutritious ingredient that's a favourite among many vegetarians following the Keto diet. If you're like me and enjoy the creamy and chewy texture of paneer combined with a touch of India...
There are those days when all you crave is the comfort of a warm bowl of soup, with no worries or distractions. Yesterday was one of those days for me, when I snuggled into bed and indulged in a steaming bowl of ...
Paneer, also known as cottage cheese, is a versatile ingredient that never fails to impress me. It can be cooked in various ways — fried, sautéed, baked, or even eaten raw.
Whether you're looking for a side di...
Two days are gone, seven more to go. I admit it’s getting a teeny weeny bit tough now. But I’m not going to give up. I am going to keep searching for new vegetarian options to eat these Navratri. Some recipes mig...
Now that we are off to a great start, let’s keep the momentum going. Start your day by visiting a temple, and thank God for this wonderful life that he has given us. I don’t know about you, but I did fine with my...