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Mediterranean Diet: Meal Plan & Food List for Indians

Mediterranean Diet India - Meal Plan and Food List India

If you’re looking to lose weight by following a flexible diet, you’re at the right place. Mediterranean diet plans offer access to flexible and sustainable dietary choices that are delicious and highly nutritious at the same time.

The Mediterranean diet is based on the eating pattern of the people living in the Mediterranean region (Italy, Spain, Greece, France etc.), and is seemingly very successful too.

Though the people of Mediterranean regions were following the diet for ages, it received significant attention in the 1950s when it was found the life expectancy of the people of the region was far greater than the rest of Europe. This was despite the lower standard of living and inadequate health infrastructure of the region.

The most prominent benefits of the diet are-

The watershed moment in the history of the Mediterranean diet came in the 1990s, when a pyramid chart of the Mediterranean diet was published by Harvard School of Public Health.

The pyramid had food articles at the bottom that should be eaten every day, and food articles at the top were those which should only be eaten a few times a month.

What is the Mediterranean diet?

It is a diet pattern inspired by Mediterranean region. The diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, and heart health fats like olive oil.

Processed foods (including refined grains) and added sugars are avoided or consumed less in the Mediterranean diet.  Alcohol consumption is limited, and wine consumption is recommended in moderate amount.

Does Mediterranean diet fit into the Indian food?

Mediterranean is a flexible diet regimen that can be adapted into the Indian diet. Here is how you can do it:

Does Mediterranean diet promote weight loss?

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular health were first discovered by researchers in the late 1950s, who conducted the Seven Countries Study

Multiple studies conducted in the later half of the 20th century revealed that the diet is conducive to increasing longevity, lowering type 2 diabetes, improving cognitive function and weight loss.

A study (published in Pubmed Central in 2018) conducted on 30k people concluded that the people following Mediterranean diet for 12 years or more are less likely to be obese.

Although some Mediterranean diet food items, such as olive oil, dairy products, and nuts, are high in calories, the diet can lead to weight loss if the high calorie food items are taken in moderation and if the intake of vegetables, fruits, salad, and sources of high protein+low fat is given preference.

What should I eat on a Mediterranean diet?

The following are the food articles that I recommend you to focus on:

What should I avoid/limit in Mediterranean diet?

The following should be limited or totally avoided in Mediterranean diet:

How to follow a Mediterranean diet?

By making the above-mentioned adjustments and replacement, you can follow a Mediterranean diet regimen. In addition to the diet, here are my tips for achieving your weight loss and good health goals:

Celebrities who follow Mediterranean diet

Mugdha Godse
Actor Rajdeep Choudhury
Selena Gomez
Penélope Cruz
Kayla Itsines
Catherine Zeta Zones


Like Keto, this diet too should not be done off the net and not without proper guidance. As you might put on weight, instead of losing.

Mediterranean plans are now being designed by me on request. Please drop a message if you are ready to try something new and exciting.

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