Meet My Keto Warriors

While you are making up your mind, have a look at some of the transformations that have already happened. People like you and me, who reached out for help and are now precious friends.

Saloni and Anuj


Saloni and Anuj live in the UAE and wanted to give a makeover to themselves. They decided to try Keto as a team. After three months the results astounded them, as much as their friends and family.

Keto coach


I have followed different kinds of diets through the years but nothing has ever been as effective as Priya’s diet plan. Managed to drop about 10 kilos in 3 months.

Keto success stories


She lives in Belgium, followed my personalised Pure Veg Keto plans precisely and went there 17kgs lighter from the day we started the diet.


Aaliya is a young professional who lives in Qatar. She was inspired by her mother who had earlier followed my Keto Coaching, to give it a go.


Ponvel went from 108kgs to 88kgs in exactly 3 months. He followed my personalised Keto Coaching precisely and with utmost commitment.

Priya Dogra Keto Clients


Saloni followed my Keto personalised plans precisely, and also supported her husband who was following the diet with her.With just one cheat meal in 3 months, she lost 15kgs and loads of inches. I congratulate her on her commitment and her never give up attitude. And wish her loads of success

Keto diet results


This Keto success story is very close to my heart. It is the story of a woman who is a juggler, a fighter, a warm fuzzy bear and a loner. There were times when giving up seemed inevitable, yet she rose up every single time and fought like a warrior. Respect for her and admiration for her courage.



Rajbinder and I connected on many levels, and hence her Keto Coaching with me was more of a beginning of a lifelong friendship. She followed my guidance strictly and gave herself the makeover she had dreamed of for years. She now has all the excuses to dress up and look beautiful and feel fantabulous too. I wish her all the success and joy in life

Priya dogra keto clients


The lady lost weight and inches after following my personalised Keto Plans for three months.

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