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Episode 2: The Embarrassment

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Hi, this is Fitness Radio Episode 2, and you are back with Priya Dogra. Today I want to discuss how an overweight person lives in this world. I spoke to you in the last episode, and so many memories came back haunting me how the years of growing up were spent. I recall how all my friends and colleagues in my school and college were pretty and were in good shape. I was the one who was not in shape. So I used to get men who were rejected by the pretty girls. And I used to think, it’s ok because I am not in certain good shape. Here I am just sighting an example of how being overweight suddenly limits your options for dating. You suddenly feel like beggars can’t be choosers.

Also I remember my window shopping experience when I was fat. It was terrible because you can’t easily find the clothes that perfectly fit you. And I had to compromise with fashion because for overweight women like me there were only a few limited options for clothing; like tank tops, loose T shits, and long shirts. Ultimately I had to hide my fat behind the clothes I choose. And the most terrible part was listening to comments from sales staff that is helping you.

The most embarrassing experience was shopping for undergarments. If you ever lived in a small town, you’ll know there are always some old uncles in shops selling you undergarments. And when you ask them to show a product, they give you a horrible look and comments on your body size loudly. And you left with no choice; you have to go to these shops to buy your personal stuff from them only.

Fitting into your favorite shoes is not an easy task. Even if you buy some, your feet feel squeezed and sore. I remember, my brother got me a pair of beautiful heels, and I had no courage to tell him that man it is too tight. I wore them for him.

Eating outside of the house is the most horrible task because then the people around you judge you that you’ll order something unhealthy junk like; fried food, potato, cheese and coke with it.  And the irony is, they assume that what is leftover from the children and husband, you’ll eat. You are the assumed dustbin of the family to finish the leftover food.

And the jokes at the dining table really used to pinch me hard.  They really started hurting me. There is a way to treat a person who has a problem. Overeating is a problem, but there are reasons for it. You have friends who make you the joking matter at the table, eventfully you start feeling bad about it, and some trigger some people negatively.

That double chin was really unbearable for me after a point of time. My children used to point me for that and I used to feel helpless to do something about it.

And if you are going out with a group of people for a walk or walking upstairs, you start panting. But you realize that other people around you are walking fast but you can’t walk with them with pace because you are fat and you pant a lot while walking upstairs.

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